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By submitting a repair request you automatically authorize Skrtich Living maintenance staff and/or approved contractors to enter your unit between 8 AM-6 PM Monday-Friday within 5 business days of your request. No further notice will be given unless a follow up/additional visit is required.

Repairs with incomplete/incorrect information or missing details (i.e unit/suite number, or nature of the problem) will be disregarded by Skrtich Living. 

Please note that more urgent matters will be given priority. Maintenance tickets are not always completed in the order they are received.

If you do not see your building listed below in the drop down list, please -->> click here <<--

After-hours maintenance emergency? Phone 905-680-7470 ext. 107 - Tenants Only. Do not phone this extension to inquire about rentals or appointments

** If you are experiencing a power outage, please contact Hydro One (1-888-664-9376) to see if your address is a part of the outage before submitting a repair request **


Winter Memo

  • In regards to snow removal, all properties will be done within 24 hours after the snow event has ended. Please do not submit requests for snow removal
  • In the event ice or snow has caused a hazard in the time following a snow event (i.e. thaw/freeze, ice formation on roof), please complete a repair request with details explaining the location of the hazard.



Repair Information
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